Four letters to the editor in the Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Haliburton County Echo were headed:
a) Let Cooler Heads Prevail
b) Louder things than Armatec
c) Armatec environmentally friendly?
d) Armatec in best interest of country
Some of the 'Armatec in best interests of country' are included below.
To the editor,
It became abundantly clear, at least to me, after Monday night's zoning committee meeting at the Haliburton Legion, that the present Dysart township council in not the least bit interested in three things for sure: (1) Job creation for the benefit of township taxpayers, (2) Doing everything they can to help save the lives of Canadian soldiers in combat (3) A significant increase in tax revenue for municipal coffers.
I'm having trouble getting my head around this. The zoning committee had a chance to accommodate Armatec's request.
Armatec guaranteed at the meeting five to 15 jobs for the area's local population (how many jobs were lost in Harcourt when Martin's Mill shut down?) not including construction jobs and spin-offs (hotel, meals, supplies, etc) once underway. Dysart's planning committee voted (unanimously) to recommend to full council that council not approve this zoning change thus killing these five to 15 jobs locally, possibly saving some lives and I guess they don't need the tax revenue either.
In latter conversation with one of these planning committee members (and councillor) he indicated there was some 1500 people opposed (99 per cent not even local and only a handful in favour). How many go to a meeting to oppose something they are in favour of?
The people oposed to this lost any shred of their credibility after their rude, ignorant, juvenile and holligan behaviour at the information meeting held in Harcourt last week. They used every tactic they could, including lies, gross exaggerations and worse in an attempt to bully the town council into turning this down when in fact, they haven't a clue, really, what they are talking about."
(9 more paragraphs finish the letter to editor)
It sounds like a great 'hair on fire meeting'. So unCanadian!
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