The above heading was taken from the front page of The Bancroft Times, Thursday March 6, 2014 with the article by Barry Hendry.
A few of the paragraphs are given below to capture the feelings of the meeting.
There was applause from the packed crowd at the Branch 129 Royal Canadian Legion in Haliburton when Dysart et al Planning Committee Chairman Steven Pogue announced, "We are prepared to recommend to council that it refuse the (application) OP Amendment."
Then he added "Council can ignore our recommendation or ask for more studies. We are not council."
Councillor Pogue addressed the crowd after two hours of open debate on the request for an Official Plan Amendment from the owners of the 2,300 acres above Benoir Lake. With an amendment the owners would accept an offer from Armatec Survivability so the company can conduct tests that include exploding charges, in the 85.8 decidel range, near armoured vehicles and driving said vehicles on a test track.
Pogue gave his reasoning for the recommendation saying. "We've heard your concerns and our concern is the OP is a high level document that sets priorities. I've spoken to the other councillors (on this committee).
Pogue added, "The Benoir Lake residents have said it's not compatable with their neighbourhood.
(this blog will add more information as it becomes known)
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