Sunday, October 27, 2013

Smart students, smarter teacher

This reference comes from Harcourt's Sons and Daughters.  Don Outram outlines an incident, early 1960's,  recorded by Valerie Smith.
    "Don recalls at one time they had a Miss Bierworth from Bancroft come to teach them.  She had a unique way to discipline certain classroom misbehaviour.  It appears each spring one student or the other would pick some wild leeks and bring them to school.  As Don recalls, "if you ate the leeks your breath would smell terrible, so the teacher would make you take your desk and workbook out in the hall.  Sometimes half the room would be out there.  One of the boys tried this trick on Miss Bierworth.  It did not work.  She went to her desk, pulled out a paper bag and took out a hand full of leeks.  She ate a piece and then passed the bag around to the rest of us to eat.  No one tried that trick again."

                    (Perhaps more meetings should have leeks available in the spring.)

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