Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Just to pick berries!

The following story, by Doreen (Townsend) Oakes, was recorded by Valerie Smith in her book, Harcourt's Sons and Daughters (2003).  This is surely true, but still incredible, since very few people these days would ever think of this 'journey' to get berries.
     "Every summer was a busy time doing down preserves.  We picked strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, rhubarb and cranberries.  A lot of time we found raspberries and blueberries on vacant farms and in areas where there had been previous log cuts.  Sometimes we left at dawn (from Harcourt), walked to Elephant Lake, took the row boat across Elephant Lake, up the York River to Benoir Lake, walked up the hill to Mason Farm, picked raspberries and blackberries.  We would  carry the heavy buckets back down the hill to the shores of Benoir Lake, pile into the boat and Dad would row the boat back down the lake system to Elephant Lake.  We would wearily pile out of the boat, get our buckets and walk all the way back home.  We would not get back until dinner time at night."

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