Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lots of interest

The following message came into the blog concerning the possible establishment of a military evaluation enterprise on property in the Elephant Lake and Benoir Lake area.  This has raised lots of concern to residents.

In keeping with the blog's principles of not including names and/or personal identification, the following is provided as very newsworthy, but without recognition of the sender.  Thanks to the sender.  Much appreciated.
"Let's get as many people out to the Council meeting on March 3rd as possible. I strongly oppose Armatec coming into this area. It is not suitable for them to be here and most locals do not want them in this area.
Notice Of Change of Location for Planning Public Meeting- March 3rd, 2014 - 5:00 p.m.

Royal Canadian Legion
Haliburton Branch 129
719 Mountain Street

I think the Council got the idea a large crowd could show up so they moved to a larger venue to accommodate the crowd. Let's fill the Legion!"

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

First sign of spring

Well, it hit plus 4 degrees C today and the first chipmunk pushed its head through 2 feet of snow and greeted the sun.  Maybe a month earlier than previous years.  Who needs groundhogs!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Beaver fever

Beavers for the past 2 weeks have been extremely active, moving into new areas, chopping down trees and preparing for spring runoff.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The following information was forwarded to this blog.  Thanks for the detailed information. 

The company that is planning proposed test site in Dysart et al ( Harcourt Township) on approx. 2000 acres of property fronting on Elephant Lake Road and Benoir Lake Road has scheduled Saturday Feb 22nd 2014 at 11am in Harcourt at Community Centre. Armatec develops and manufactures composite materials for the Canadian and US military.

Armatec Proposal: Company will be presenting their proposal Feb 22nd 2014 Harcourt Community Centre. They plan to test armoured vehicles by planting explosive devices under them to determine damage. The more people there to show we do not want this the better. 90 explosions per year to start.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hank predicts Seattle in overtime

Hank says that Seattle Seahawks will win in OT, having picked the blackberries, representing the darker uniforms.
      Also, Hank the hen says that no maple sap will be flowing in the Harcourt area until well after March 7, 2014.  This is signified by no egg production for the last 5 days, meaning that winter is still well established and too cold for egg laying. 
       Thanks Hank.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Deep drifts

Spring, please come soon.