Friday, January 31, 2014

Hank predicts tied game

Hank the chicken has gone out on a limb and predicted a tied game in the Super Bowl.  First Hank went to sample a single Seattle blackberry.  Then she walked around and ate many more red/orange berries from Denver, before returning to blackberries.   This alteration continued. This can only be seen as a tied game with each side being equal.
     Perhaps Hank is waiting for an injury report on Sunday.  Stay tuned for a final decision by Hank the 'eggsalent' predicter before the game.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Causeway drifting

The brush and trees along the causeway make for a great snow fence, if you like deep snow on the causeway.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


-36 degrees this morning and the forest is cracking constantly, in competition with the lake.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter attraction

This is the biggest winter attraction on the lake.  Located on the east side, between East Bay and the causeway.

East Bay to North Elephant Island

Basically no snow on the lake.   But deep on the land!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Snow has been blown away from the lake except from near the shoreline.  Ice is very hard, no signs of slush.  It can be walked across, but skis won't help.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Watch out below

This is why metal roofs don't have eavestroughs.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Power outage

Power out at 11:50 am, restored at 12:25 pm.  Unplanned outage.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Roofs: metal or asphalt

Snow is very deep on all the roofs.  With the rain, the weight is increasing on roofs.
      Metal roofs behave quite differently than shingles for a roof.  Snow does not adhere well to metal and with a bit of warmth, a large avalanche of snow can completely clear snow from the roof.  This is dangerous if a person is near this fall of ice and snow.  Also, a deck attached to a building can be completely detached with the heavy weight. 
      Shingles tend to hold onto the snow and the snow and water can remain on the roof for a long time.  Hopefully the roof strength holds until the snow starts to be removed with warmth and rain.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Power out

      Yesterday power went out before 3 pm.  It was phoned in to Hydro 800-434-1235.  They did not know about the problem.  By 5 pm a hydro worker showed up to say the power was solved.  A tree fell over the line on the 3rd pole from the transformer on the lake.  The hydro workers came across the lake to solve the problem.
      Drifts on the causeway are high.  Can not be walked across and need a snowmachine to reach the mainland.