Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013


Under the snow is about 4 inches of slush snow, which becomes water when removed.  Too wet to dig through the ice.  And it isn't winter yet!

Snow and more snow

Snow is 13 inches deep.  Hard to make the snowmobile turn around.  Easy to slip off the road into a ditch.  More on the way before winter starts.

Friday, December 13, 2013


It doesn't take much wind for snow to build up on the causeway, connecting the island with the mainland.  If too deep the snowmobile gets 'hung up'.  Best to 'beat it down' before it gets too deep.  Can you spot where the skidoo was stuck on the ice?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Double yuk

This used to be a flat, gorgeous skating rink.  Now it is 12 inches of powder over a gorgeous skating rink that will never be seen again.  The snow is insulating the lake and overflow from cracks is making it slushy.  Perhaps 3 days of heavenly skating is all the weather gods will give us this year.  By the way, this skidoo was big time stuck.  No studs, no traction on ice, especially trying to plow through snow.  Live and learn.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Historic skating

It's flatter than what the Canadian Senate thinks of their importance and more exciting than watching a Rob Ford video. 
The entire lake is snow free and skatable.  Thank you weather gods.

Friday, December 6, 2013


A big 'tired' truck got half way to the island and quit.  Frightened of ice maybe.

Icy nice

If the ice gods can keep the snow gods and winds gods away, the entire lake will be a gigantic ice rink.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Major flooding at the end of the rink.  Difficult to get ATV to clear the 1 inch of snow on the excellent (ever) rink.  Rain scheduled tomorrow.  Maybe goodbye skating and curling?
     Tire tracks of a small vehicle travelled as far as the new road but turned around and retreated.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Snow depth 8 inches.  Some ground water seeping into lake along edges, making it sloppy.